© 2015 St. Jeor Associates, PLLC DBA GenQuest Nutrition LLC NutritionPracticeToolsResults Follow Us!
The Black Bag portable nutrition office includes tools that can be used to…. Provide personalized nutrition assessment and Medical Nutrition Therapy by RD/RDNs to more people at lower cost Take your services to your clients – Don’t wait for them to come to you Maintain focus on disease treatment and management while expanding to wellness and disease prevention Move into new health care environments to increase your income and independence Demonstrate the role & effectiveness of nutrition interventions in achieving positive health outcomes and cost savings Contribute to practice-based research networks
775.826-9075 (local) info@genquestnutrition.com 5401 Cremello Way, Reno, NV 89511 Terms of Use
THE BLACK BAG TM Portable Office & Toolkit
The Black Bag contains essentials to get you started. It can be expanded and customized as you desire with additional devices, tools and apps for indirect calorimetry/metabolic testing, nutrient analysis, patient motivation, nutrigenomics, etc.
THE BASIC BLACK BAG TM Portable Office & Toolkit Includes… A signature plaque with your name and credentials to attach to your own portable roller bag General health: Blood Pressure Monitor and Pulse Oximeter Weight and body composition assessment: Bioimpedance Scale (for weight and body composition) Stature Meter, Tape Measures, Skinfold Calipers Energy assessment: MSJE Calculator “Wheels” (BMI, Energy Estimation, Calorie Balance) Fitness: Hand Dynamometer, Step Counters (Pedometer) User’s manual
Name & Credentials
for plaque
$350 .00
These basic tools were selected because… There is evidence for their clinical and field use There are guidelines or normative data for evaluating results They are likely to provide information relevant to the treatment and management of common conditions: Weight loss, weight gain, weight maintenance Hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome Work with athletes or people wanting to improve their fitness level Educating people who are interested in preventing disease and staying well Providing anticipatory guidance to people with upcoming surgery, chemotherapy, dialysis, etc. The tools can be used in a wide variety of practice settings… Primary care/medical home offices Medical specialty offices (oncology, infusion centers, Endocrine, GI, GYN, etc.) Fitness centers, health clubs, gyms Community sports teams – kids and adults College campus, student health centers Long term care, retirement and assisted living facilities Community events: conferences, health fairs, farmer’s market Concierge nutrition and home visits
Black Bag with User Manual
$20 .00
Black Bag User Manual Only Taxes & Shipping included
NutritionPracticeToolsResults © 2015-Present St. Jeor Associates, PLLC DBA GenQuest Nutrition LLC
The Black Bag portable nutrition office includes tools that can be used to…. Provide personalized nutrition assessment and Medical Nutrition Therapy by RD/RDNs to more people at lower cost Take your services to your clients – Don’t wait for them to come to you Maintain focus on disease treatment and management while expanding to wellness and disease prevention Move into new health care environments to increase your income and independence Demonstrate the role & effectiveness of nutrition interventions in achieving positive health outcomes and cost savings Contribute to practice-based research networks
THE BLACK BAG TM Mentor Club is an opportunity for structured collaboration with experts in energy balance.  Each monthly one-hour meeting will provide information or a hot topic on the research and innovations in energy balance facilitated by key leaders.
The Black Bag contains essentials to get you started. It can be expanded and customized as you desire with additional devices, tools and apps for indirect calorimetry/metabolic testing, nutrient analysis, patient motivation, nutrigenomics, etc.
THE BLACK BAG TM Portable Office & Toolkit
THE BASIC BLACK BAG TM Portable Office & Toolkit Includes… A signature plaque with your name and credentials to attach to your own portable roller bag General health: Blood Pressure Monitor and Pulse Oximeter Weight and body composition assessment: Bioimpedance Scale (for weight and body composition) Stature Meter, Tape Measures, Skinfold Calipers Energy assessment: MSJE Calculator “Wheels” (BMI, Energy Estimation, Calorie Balance) Fitness: Hand Dynamometer, Step Counters (Pedometer) User’s manual
These basic tools were selected because… There is evidence for their clinical and field use There are guidelines or normative data for evaluating results They are likely to provide information relevant to the treatment and management of common conditions: Weight loss, weight gain, weight maintenance Hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome Work with athletes or people wanting to improve their fitness level Educating people who are interested in preventing disease and staying well Providing anticipatory guidance to people with upcoming surgery, chemotherapy, dialysis, etc. The tools can be used in a wide variety of practice settings… Primary care/medical home offices Medical specialty offices (oncology, infusion centers, Endocrine, GI, GYN, etc.) Fitness centers, health clubs, gyms Community sports teams – kids and adults College campus, student health centers Long term care, retirement and assisted living facilities Community events: conferences, health fairs, farmer’s market Concierge nutrition and home visits
Name & Credentials
for plaque
$350 .00
$20 .00
Black Bag User Manual Only Taxes & Shipping included
Black Bag with User Manual