© 2015 St. Jeor Associates, PLLC DBA GenQuest Nutrition LLC
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The following tools were selected to enhance your ability to assess energy balance beyond the Mifflin St Jeor Equation.
1 for $5
+taxes, shipping & handling
1 for $3
+taxes, shipping & handling
MSJE Calculation Wheel
& Chart Sample Pack
Includes all MSJE wheels & charts for
assessing energy requirements
MSJE Calculation Wheel
Includes MSJE Calculation Wheel for determining REE
The Energy Estimation Chart is
two sided & 8.5x11 inches on
laminated card stock.
The Energy Estimation Poster
(EEP) is an 18"x24" two-sided
chart produced on laminated
card stock.
MSJE Calorie Balance
Includes 1 MSJE Calorie Balance
Wheel for the assessment of
energy balance. The Energy
Balance Wheel (EBW) was
developed to easily identify or
"dial up" the excess/deficiency
reflected in kcal/day associated
with a specific amount of weight
gained or, alternatively, to be lost
(lbs.) in a specified time period
(days, months, years).
On both the Chart and the Poster, one side contains a
single chart for use for both females and males to predict
REE (RMR) and an adjustment chart for age (18 to 100
years) and gender arrive at the final value. On the
opposite side, there is a chart including the REE value and
corresponding readings forapproximating Total Energy
Expenditure by adding the activity factors (AF) of 1.2
=sedentary; 1.4=low active to moderate; and, 1.6=active.
The Energy Estimation Wheel
(EEW) uses the variables of age
(15 to 100 years), height (range
55-85 inches or 140-220 cm) and
weight (range 90-500 lb or 45 -
230 kg) and adjustment for
gender (males/females) on a
rotational systems to line up to
arrive at a final REE (RMR) value.
2 for $10
+taxes, shipping & handling
3 for $10
+taxes, shipping & handling
4 for $10
+taxes, shipping & handling
3 for $10
+taxes, shipping & handling
*All Pricing is a limited time professional offer. Pricing
for Bulk orders can be negotiated
Energy Estimation Chart & Poster