© 2015 St. Jeor Associates, PLLC DBA GenQuest Nutrition LLC NutritionPracticeToolsResults Follow Us!


Ask questions & find

answers by building

research with leaders

in the field of weight



Provide education,

strategies, and

motivational tools to

promote a healthy,

sustainable weight


Become purveyors of

energy balance & weight

regulation in the

healthcare field


Improve America’s health

by promoting energy

balance to prevent

undesired weight loss,

gain, and regain

775.826-9075 (msg only) info@genquestnutrition.com 5401 Cremello Way, Reno, NV 89511 Terms of Use
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING - WORKSHOPS AVAILABLE ONLINE Lectures (Individualized for Group, Specialty, Occasion Mentoring Sessions – Career Development o (Dietetic Interns/Graduate Students) o Energy Balance, Personalized Nutrition Assessment o A Portable Office and Tool Kit (The BLACK BAGTM) Seminars with Interdisciplinary EXPERTS in the Field o Specialized Weight Management Strategies
GenQuest EDUCATIONAL AND PRACTICE ORIENTED TOOLS The St. Jeor signature BLACK BAG TM o Recommended indirect calorimeter (Breezing IDC) – Special Purchase Arrangements for RDNs o Recommended and tested pedometers (Accusplit AX2720MV) The Mifflin -St. Jeor (MSJE) Calculation Wheels and Charts and Large Posters The Energy Balance Wheels


St. Jeor Nutrition Associates brings together an interdisciplinary faculty consisting of known leaders in the field of weight management. Together they form the basis of the educational programming to stimulate the field, promote evidence-based and best practices and encourage individualization of the energy balance equation. A variety of programs and products are available and can be tailored to meet the requests of different programs. Dr. St. Jeor is the primary speaker/organizer and programs are tailored to the invitation. Please fill out the request form 3 months prior to the engagement date and contact Dr. St. Jeor either by email (sach@genquestnutrition.com) or cell phone 775 250-2303. There is no set cost for the occasion, but sponsors for the events have been easily obtained.


GenQuest Nutrition is where we describe and sell our products. We also are collaborating with the best products and resources and will also recommend them on our website. In some cases we will have a link to purchase, a direct “buy button” using pay pal, or just a listing for you to follow-up for purchase directly with the seller. In this way, we will be able to negotiate a better price and support. Please inquire with info@genquestnutrition.com or leave a message on our business phone (775 826-9075) and someone will get back to you ASAP.
Exhibits with Demonstration Lectures and Handouts Consultations (Practice, Research, Projects) Online Graduate Nutrition Assessment Course (732- 3 hr) o With Laboratory (Different Modules Available) o Offered Fall Semester each year Visiting Professor Program (one day on site) Basic Training Workshops
NutritionPracticeToolsResults © 2015-Present St. Jeor Associates, PLLC DBA GenQuest Nutrition LLC



Portable Office

& Toolkit, Mentor Club, & more!

Visit our complete site on a desktop or laptop computer for more information regarding our mission, products, and services!
Find Out More About Our Go FAR Workshop

Go FAR - Workshop Part I *

Improving and Personalizing the Energy Balance Assessment and RX DESCRIPTION: Methods and formulas to calculate energy intake and energy expenditure are highly variable. Evidence-Based and Best Practices will be recommended by a team of experts (St. Jeor Nutrition Associates) to improve and personalize the energy balance equation by introducing new technology, practical tools and innovations in the field. Comparison with current practices will be discussed and the workshops will encourage collaborations with attendees to move the field forward and improve client outcomes.

Upcoming Workshops